In today’s world, the ability to obtain a loan is important. For consumers who have excellent credit, finding any number of lenders who are willing to work with them is an easy task. For people who have encountered financial difficulties along the way, securing a loan is not quite as simple. This is where the concept of bad credit loans comes in to play.
Defining the Bad Credit Loan
Bad credit loans are lending arrangements that are designed for people who do not have the best credit ratings. Since many lenders place a great deal of emphasis on credit ratings when considering loan applications, a lower credit score can lead to automatic rejection. A lender who is willing to extend a loan to someone who has experienced some difficulty with credit in the past may consider other criteria and determine to take a chance on the borrower. When this is the case, the loan application is approved and the borrower agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions found in the loan contract.
Who Would Seek a Loan with Bad Credit?
People who have encountered past credit problems due to loss of employment, an extended illness or poor money management may choose to pursue a loan as a means of rebuilding a damaged credit score. For example, a consumer who was out of work for several months may experience a reduction in his or her credit rating even after catching up all the past due debts. By choosing to work with a high risk lender, the consumer is able to secure a loan that can be utilized to retire some of the existing debt and increase the number of positive comments on the reports provided by the major credit agencies. Those positive comments will begin to balance out the older negative reports and help the overall rating to begin increasing a little each month.
Qualifications for a High Risk Loan
Like any type of lending arrangement, potential borrowers must meet the criteria put in place by the high-risk lender. While there is some variance, most lenders of bad credit loans will confirm that the lender has a reliable source of a minimum amount of monthly income. The applicant will also have to provide proof of a permanent residence. Many lenders will require that applicants be current on their other debt obligations.
There is a good chance that the lender will pull copies of at least a couple of credit reports, but the data and the current score will be taken into consideration in light of the applicant’s current financial status. This means that if the applicant has been current on his or her debts for the last several months, that will help to offset some of the older negative information found on the reports.
Are Bad Credit Loans Different From Other Loans?
There are a couple of characteristics associated with high risk loans that help to set them apart from other lending arrangements. The interest rate that applies to the loan balance is usually higher than the rates offered to applicants with excellent credit ratings. This means you will pay more in interest over the life of the loan.
Another potential difference is that the loan will likely be secured rather than unsecured. This means you will have to pledge some sort of collateral in order to be approved. For example, if you are seeking a bad credit car loan, the automobile that you purchase with the loan proceeds will be held as security until the loan is paid in full. Should you default at any time during the loan’s duration, the lender has the right to seize the vehicle and sell it to retire the loan balance.